
 一時期、新国立劇場演劇研修所で講師をされていたジェレミー・ストックウェルさん(Jeremy Stockwell)のfacebook上の公開記事を、私自身のための備忘録として、勝手ながら以下に転載します。内容は舞台俳優へのアドバイス(英語)です。


The thing is this, even within the narrow confines of acceptable commercial theatre, there is still room for your magical and maverick self.
Leap, glide, fly, play. Risk it all for the delight of unknowing – and for love. Dedicate all you do to love.
And, incidentally, love is not about knowing, it is all about unknowing – and trust.
Have faith. Just leap. Don’t be tempered by popular convention, or limited by your own excuses of self. That’s only ego. You’re bigger than that. Bigger than all this curious, fickle, and silly old industry judges you to be.
Give them you. Show them you. Look them in the eyes and be you. Be as you as you can be – even at the most ludicrous and shallow of castings. Be you.
You might not get every job, but you will shine like the crazy ageless, truthful, and beautiful diamond you really are – and you can walk out of that casting with you head held high.
Know this, the casters, producers, and directors are often as jaded and sold out as you are. Call them out on it. Show them you. Be you. Don’t cow-tow. Be equal to them. Be equal to the task in hand. That’s really what we/they/you are looking for.
And, get this, that way – when you shine with love, a generous heart, and not giving a fuck about winning, or losing – that way will your judgmental self subside, and there’s too, your ego and your uncertainly will vanish, and your joyous and most generous self will shine!
Shine on good people. Through your skills and talents, shine on with love and light. Play well & shine.


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